
We dedicate ourselves to develop a responsible, flexible, lean and scalable Organization to provide our Customers with reliable, sustainable and valuable Manufacturing solutions.


We nurture a creative environment for the development of rewarding careers for our Employees.


By sustaining and by advancement in Design & Manufacturing Culture, we contribute to our Machine Tool community to excel.


By utilizing our long standing professional expertise, we invent new Products with highest degree of perfection and thereby by tending to minimise waste.


Our social responsibility while running the business is to take an active, passive or indifferent role in building a more sustainable world.




We understand and appreciate many challenges the CNC Machine Users face with respect to stringent accuracies required to be achieved, complexity of operations, and deadline on the delivery commitment of their components. Our Products will support those users to achieve their goal to the best because of its abilities, inbuilt Product Qualities, competitive operational time, ensuring highest degree of accuracies with multi-functional capabilities and lowest failure rates. Custom made add-ins on the Products will help user to take up specific tasks in complex machining activities. Normal Running spares are made available off the shelf to ensure quick supply to put back the Machine in to operation in the lowest possible time.


We are the valuable Partner to our Customers by manufacturing and providing not only the Standard products but also non- standard / Tailor made Products, special accessories etc. to support growth of our Customer. Our Focus will always be on our Customer Satisfaction.


We are also the valuable Partners to Suppliers by promoting supply –Chain management strategies


We will design, develop and manufacture in house the Machines and special accessories required to support our Customers to achieve Close Tolerances on their components.


We will be in the link with the present and future developments those take place across the Globe  with respect to our Business so that the latest technologies and innovations are injected in to our Products refinement program from time-to-time so that our Customers will not lose in their trendy Business.


Our Processes and Activities are very well recorded with all kinds of computerized Traceability with unique Document Coding Methods so that the History of each machine can be looked in to at any given time to make sure about the timely support to any of our Products during its life-span.


We are committed to do our best to reach out to our Customers with the best support on time.


Designed and Manufactured in India

© 2016

Target Machinery, INDIA